The department conducted the following activities :
(a) Clinical Anaesthesia : During the year under review about 6941 anaesthesias were administered to the patients ranging from new-born babies to the extreme age group. General Anaesthesia, Regional Anaesthesia of all types were extensively employed both for the benefit of patients and training of the resident staff & PGTs.
(b) Anaesthesia Clinic : Pre-anaesthetic clinic was held on all weekdays in order to complete the pre-anaesthetic check up and investigation so as to minimise the stay of the patients in the hospital.
(c) Resuscitation Unit for the respiratory crippled : This unit has all required equipment including ventilators and respirators. Victims of drowning and various types of poisoning medical cases with respiratory dysfunctioning are brought for resuscitation from time to time and are actively managed in collaboration with the Department of Medicine.