Started in 1963, this department was gradually developed into a self-sufficient unit to manage all kinds of emergency trauma and cold orthopaedic cases.
During the year 2020-21, the outdoor section served 14187 cases and the indoor 498 cases. Total number of operations performed during the year were 581. Highly specialised following types of surgery are routinely done here

- Total joint replacement (Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Elbow etc.)
- Diagnostic & Operative Arthroscopy (Knee, Ankle etc.)
- Minimally invasive Osteosynthesis with interlocking nail & Locking plates.
- Reconstructive Surgery with UMEX, JESS & Illizarov fixator.
- Spinal Surgery including microdiscectomy, decompression, stabilization & deformity correction.
- Correction of congenital deformity including CTEV, DDH, CDK, Torticollis etc.
- Tumour Surgery including limb salvage.
- Tendon & nerve injury repair.
- Infection control surgery including Antibiotic impregnated cemented nails, fids, spacer etc.
- Operations for recurrent dislocation of shoulder & patella.
The outdoor section was open on all weekdays.
The Department has introduced the ETLS (Emergency Trauma Care Life Support) Course in this Pratishthan for doctors, nursing staff and paramedics, with sessions to be held from time to time at suitable intervals.
The Physiotherapy Clinic attached to the department was open on all weekdays. The Rheumatology Clinic functioned on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. During the year under report 1152 patients were treated in outdoor section.