Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan

99, Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata 700026.


+91 33 2475 3636 - 3639

News: 2025

Sri Sri Thakur Ramakrishna Dev's Tithi Puja 2025

Sri Sri Thakur Ramakrishna Dev's Tithi Puja -the 190th birthday of Sri Ramakrishna has been celebrated at our Hospital.

Medical Relief Camp at Gangasagar Mela 2025

The Medical Relief Camp was inaugurated at 7-00 p.m. on 10-01-2025 and continued till 7-00 p.m. of 16-01-2025. It was manned by 30 members, consisting of 1 monastic member, 5 doctors, 2 male nurses, 5 pharmacists, 1 driver, 2 cooks, 3 GllAs and 11 volunteers.

The Camp treated 6080 patients, out of which 4163 were male, 1833 female and 84 children. Amongst these patients, 172 received indoor treatment.

180 pieces of blankets supplied by Headquarters were distributed amongst poor pilgrims and Sadhus. Apart from this, we also distributed 1300 pieces new genie clothes to Sadhus.

Besides rendering medical services, we also distributed about 8000 copies of religious books and 5000 photos of Sri Sri Thakur, Maa and Swamiji among the pilgrims as the part of Bhava Prachar.

National Youth Day (Birthday of Swami Vivekananda) on 11th January 2025

This year Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan organized celebration of National Youth Day (Birthday of Swami Vivekananda) on Saturday, the 11th January 2025 (12th January, being Sunday, week-off day of this Pratishthan) in its usual manner. Srimat Swami Prabhasanandaji Maharaj, Adhyaksha, Ramakrishna Math, Barisha was the Chief Guest of this year's programme, Prof. Arijit Sarkar, Assistant Professor, MCKV Institute of Engineering was the Guest of Honour. Prof. Atul Kumar Gupta, Principal, RKMSP-VIMS'& Prof. Sanjoy Mohan Bhattacharjee, Medical Superintendent-cum-Vice Principal, RKMSP were also on the dais.

Nearly 350 persons which includes a good number of students of our various courses and also guests, donors, doctors, nurses, and all other categories of staff members and other invitees attended the programme. They participants presented songs, recitations, speeches, musical performances, dance and drama etc. The programme started at 12-00 noon and continued upto 4-00 p.m.