Started in 1963, this department was developed into a self-sufficient unit providing all kinds of services. Specialised rehabilitation services were also offered. During the year under review 21232 cases in the Outdoor section and 444 in the Indoor section were treated. 818 Operations were also done during the year. The outdoor section was open on all weekdays
Highly specialised surgery like microsurgery of the ear for treatment of various forms of deafness and chronic discharges from the ear as mentioned below are done :-
- Tympanoplasty, Stapedectomy, Stapedotomy, Atticoantrostomy, Modified Radical Mastoidectomy,
- ESS (Endoscopic Sinus Surgery), CSF Rhinorrhea repair, removal of benign and malignant nasal mass.
- Operations on face and neck like surgery of thyroid, parotid, submandibular gland, laryngectomy (total and partial).
- Voice clinic for hoarseness
- Cochlear implan

This department has a fully air-conditioned chamber and a sound proof cubicle inside with an excellent sound system and audiometric arrangements. All forms of deafness and speech problems (deafmutism, stuttering, voice problems, autism, brain damage, mongolism etc.) were dealt with in the Hearing and Speech Clinic. This special clinic had been aiding hearing impaired children.
The group activity clinic was held on every working day of the hospital. The assessment clinic together with individual parent counselling had a bi-weekly session on Tuesdays and Fridays. There is a very good collection of books on problems of speech and hearing and allied problems housed in the library of Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences.
Previously this clinic was mainly concerned with problems of deafmutism and stuttering. Presently, however, cases of autism, brain damage or cerebral palsy are receiving a lot of attention. Similarly, the age-range has also greatly widened with the very young (below 6 months of age) and the middle-aged (above fifty) attending the clinic in increasing number as information about the clinic is spreading far and wide.
This Pratishthan is successfully conducting Cochlear Implant Surgeries under ADIP Scheme with association of Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech & Hearing Disabilities (Divyangjan), Mumbai. During the year under report, 6 surgeries have been done.