The department was started in 1939. All types of Gynaecological cases were treated in the department. During the year 2020-21, 8822 cases were treated in the outdoor and 2300 cases in the indoor section. 816 operations (Diagnostic laparohysteroscopy, Laparoscopy and proceed, Laparoscopy assisted vaginal hysterectomy, Dilatation and curretage, Cervical biopsy, Polypectomy, Laparotomy with salpingo ophorectomy, Debulking surgery in Ovarian CA, Bartholin cyst operation – marsupialisation, Vaginal reconstructive surgery like creation of neovagina, vaginoplasty, Sacrospinous fixation, Sling operation (Nulliporous prolapse), Fothergil’s operation, Lefort’s operation, Radical Vulvectomy). In addition there was also provision for emergency gynaecological services (24x7 days) which included requisite treatment and operation, if required. The outdoor section was open on all weekdays.